I think this chapter say that everyone with the feed, can not think for thereself. The corporation is like there brain. It takes care of wat they want and shows them what they should have. The feed takes care of there everyday life. I think this is stupid and dumb to have something else take over yourself. I think that Tidus having the feed affects his personality and intelliegence in a big way. The feed basically takes over his whole brain. He cant even think right without the feed interupting him with a new commercial or new items that he might want. The feed changes his personality too cuz he dont have the brain to think about what he likes. The feed gives him ideas that he might not want, but instead the feed tells him things about the things that are the most popular for everyone. The feed is described to know what a person needs before you even need it. I agree that the feed is d
oing this because the corporation that the feed comes from doesnt want the people to think and make there own choice. This is good because everyone is the same and everyone gets the newest items that comes out. I think its stupid because life would suck if everyone was the same and everyone does the same thing. The feed is making life easier but at the same times it makes life suck. If i had a choice between the feed and not having the feed. I wouldnt choice the feed because you get all these lesion which i think it is very nasty and seems like it really hurts.

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